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무상급식과 학교폭력의 상관관계

한국의 무상급식에 대한 미국 연구, 무상급식이 신체적 다툼을 약 35%까지 감소시킨다.

뉴욕시는 이 연구에 의존해 2017~18년까지 이 정책을 받아들였고 학생들간의 폭력은 3년 만에 55%까지 감소했다.

South Korean primary and secondary schools have been providing free lunches only to low-income students since the 1980s. In the early 2010s, the Free School Meal Program (FSMP) expanded the provision of free lunches to all students, without altering the nutritional content of the school meals or the school meal take-up rate, which has always been very high. We investigate the impact of this universal school lunch program on the incidence of misbehavior in schools. We find that FSMP reduces the number of behavioral incidents, particularly physical fights between students, by about 35%.



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